Have you Ever??  (First Version)

Have you Ever?? (First Version)

What would be your reaction if I asked a question starting with this??

Well, this might seem strange, but not as much as you would typically expect or will get..but, have you ever travelled with a stranger before?

I have, and I do so pretty frequently.

However strange or odd this may seem, there is a method to the madness . It’s either…

  • You asked a friend, and got disappointed (you were even led on. lol!😍😍)
  • Their finances and priorities got in the way

While these are totally understandable, I think it’s time to ask you my question..

Have you ever asked a random person to travel with you? If so, why?

For me, I started exploring that path because I was disappointed several times by people.

Interestingly enough, people who see my travels on social media, ask to be informed of my next trip, and when they are, what happens? They cop out, I also think that these people just say things for taking sake and that really does not have to be the case. I often prefer silence over fake requests or disappointments.

There will always be reasons, and so I’m left to hope for the time I own a private jet to have the kind of moments I want, with friends..and strangers too.

(edit)**Strangers here, are people that know less about me, and therefore are not in my personal space. I like to think there is some sort of balance between these two instances..which is, travelling with people who know you, and, people who don’t know you.

Care to know? Here’s why…

  • With “strangers”, there’s a higher tendency to have a more interesting trip, you know? There’s a whole lot more to talk about
  • It’s another way to try something new.. Right?

Are you ready to travel now?? Promise me you’re not afraid to? Great!

Starting out,here are tips for you…

  • Find someone you’ve known for a while, ideally the same sex. Why? Well, holidays come with a sense of relaxation, and it’s best to avoid complications.
  • Travel with someone who doesn’t know you well.. It gives you so many things to talk about. Yes, it may feel awkward at first, but it becomes easier when you both have the same intentions.
  • Don’t place unrealistic expectations on trips.. It zaps out the fun. Travel with an open mind..see..feel..be present in every moment of it.

Now.. remember when I asked what your reaction would be if I asked a question starting with ‘Have you ever?’… Here it comes..

Have you ever done something you have never done before?? If not, do it.

Scared to? It’s natural. You can always use the smaller steps first….but whatever you do..

Just Start.

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